design no limits


During the entire process of producing a website it is necessary to make and test prototypes of the product to see how the design works and to ensure that the concept as a whole can be realised. This is not a step in the design process, but a continuous part of it. The design process is to been se en as a living sequence of events hopping from one phase to the other and not as linear. A strict structured method at this point could result in an unsatisfactory product. It is here where we see the convergence of the front-end and back-end design steps. Here you test your HTML, scripting and other technical aspects of the product to ensure that they function as planned. Here it is important that you follow your original plans and not to let the technical aspects influence the front-end design, but work towards the opposite. When testing the back-end design it is often referred to as Whitebox Testing and when testing the front-end design the term Blackbox Testing will often be used. Once an error free design has been produced, the next step of testing can be implemented. This next level of testing is a series of user tests. Here the prototype will be given to a selection of representatives from the target group and a series of questions should be asked as to the design and usability of the product. The goal here is to confirm if a proper analysis of the needs and wants of the target group has been made. This is an extremely important process which helps to enforce the products potential marketing force.