design & concept development
The concept decides what we want, who we want to reach, why, how and how often.
The target group is the starting point and decides the style and tone. Strategy shows the way.
visual identity
An organizations visual identity consists, among other things, of logo, primary colours and typography but also picture styles, paper choice and website send signals to the outside world. An outside world that needs to understand specifically your choices.
The work in creating a visual identity is therefore based on a thorough analysis of the organization. What are the organizations values and conduct? How is the organization perceived by it's target groups? How do co-workers perceive it? What is the uniqueness of this organization- how is the strategy for development and growth?
It is an extensive process to realize all these thoughts and conceptions to something as tangible as a logo, a colour choice and topography – but the result can easily match the effort. A unique and precise visual identity can create and strengthen a brand , but it can also create consensus and strengthen the self perception in the organization internally.
Our goal is to create a general view, continuity and a complete picture of the organization. The demanding goal highspace can deliver because we have specialists in the fields of architecture, design, photography, web and communication.
We base our consulting and results on dialog and commitment, experience and relevant analysis. Regardless if it applies to architecture-, design-, web- or communication solutions.